Switch -IIMG<name> - specify SFX logo
Specify a bitmap image file to display as logo in the created or updated SFX archive. The <name> parameter is a name of .bmp file including the full path. This switch is supported only in NT based Windows (NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and so on), but not in Windows 95, 98 and Me. You must not compress SFX module by any third party executable compressors if you are going to use -iimg.
This switch is the command line equivalent of "Load SFX logo from the file" option in SFX options: Text and icon dialog.
Size of default SFX logo is 93x302 pixels. It is recommended to use bitmaps of same size or smaller.
add contents of c:\myfiles folder to setup.exe SFX archive, use c:\pictures\logo.bmp as SFX logo
WinRAR a -sfx -iimgc:\pictures\logo.bmp setup.exe c:\myfiles